Monday, June 3, 2013

SuperFly Kids-- SOAR Box Review

So I saw a new sub box (YIKES!) on and I had to get it for Eli. :)  Just had to!  ;)  It was $20 for a 3 month sub to a SUPER HERO BOX!  You know that was going to end up coming to our house!  :)  So that is how I found SOAR.  It is a box that is affiliated with SuperFly Kids and they make some really cute super hero capes! 

Each box includes super hero accessories, a comic book, a mission, stickers and a trading card.

This is the super cute packaging that it comes in!  :)
This is all the fun, fantastic super hero stuff that came for Eli!

In the first month you subscribe, your super hero gets a cape!  You can choose between green, blue or pink.  Eli wanted pink...  But I didn't think it would fly with his super dad!  lol

Each month you get a SOAR comic book.  You start with issue 1, then 2, etc so you follow along with the story line.  Eli isn't really into comic books yet, but he liked this one.  It was really short and sweet and to the point.  Plus it has super heros in it...  Can't go wrong!
You also get a card with a mission on it (this mission was to interview 3 people), a trading card featuring one of the characters and stickers. 
Over all, this was a great sub box!  Right up Eli's ally right now!  We have 2 more months of these too!  Woot woot!

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